item donations
With the help of local donations made by generous people — including businesses, contractors and homeowners like you — we are able to support our mission to build and maintain affordable housing for families in our community. Proceeds from every sale go to help build homes in Manitowoc County. Each donation you make helps provide a hand-up, not a hand-out to a local family in need of decent shelter.
donation drop-offs
At this time, donations are accepted BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Text or Call: 920.471.8243
To be certain your item(s) will be accepted, text 920.471.8243 or email photos and a brief description to Photos can also be sent to us via our Facebook Habitat ReSale Center page by private message.
Due to staffing limitations, we ask that you DO NOT drop off donations during scheduled store hours on Thursdays and Fridays.
1209 South 41st Street, Manitowoc, WI
Please NO CURBSIDE DROP-OFFS of items as they often suffer damage prior to in-take.
basic donation guidelines
All donations must be in 100% working order without any broken or missing parts.
All donations must be clean, free of mold, mildew or water damage and free of lead paint.
The items we accept are subject to change, so review our complete ReStore Donation Guidelines or call us to confirm that we can take your item(s).
Limited pick-up service is available for large items or large quantities of items. Contact us to discuss your donation.
Please NO CURBSIDE DROP-OFFS of items. Such items block access to another business and often suffer damage prior to in-take.
items we accept*
architectural items
electrical supplies
flooring (new)
lighting and ceiling fans
landscaping/lawn & garden
roofing and siding
and more...
items we DO NOT accept*
used carpet
used tile
used toilets
used mattresses
clothing or textiles
fuel, chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers
computer monitors
car parts
children's toys
medicine or medical supplies
materials containing mercury, asbestos or lead
broken, stained or torn items
* view our complete ReStore Center Donation Guidelines